Course curriculum
Nau mai ki Tuia te Rangi
Meet The Team
Karakia Timatanga
Introduction to Ahi Kaa
Ahi Kaa Whakapapa
Your Ahi Kaa!
Whakakapi i te Ahi Kaa
Pou tuatahi - Tuia te whenua
Introduction to te pou tuatahi
I noho tatapū ngā atua with Dr Di
Noho tatapū ngā atua
Stoking the ahi
Huaki Pouri with the Te Kurahuna team
Pou Tuarua - Tuia te moana
Introduction to Pou Tuarua - Tuia te Moana
The Early Battles - Tangaroa shifts houses
Stoking the ahi
Huaki Pouri with the Te Kurahuna team
Pou Tuatoru - Tuia te here tangata
Introduction to Pou Tuatoru - Tuia te here tangata
Stoking the ahi
Huaki Pouri with the Te Kurahuna team
Pou Tuawhā - Ka rongo te Po Ka rongo te Ao
Introduction to Pou Tuawha - Ka rongo te Pō Ka rongo te Ao
Tane and the 3 Baskets
Tane and the 3 baskets 2
Stoking the ahi - ‘Tēnei te Ara' and te whakapapa o tō tātou nei karakia
Stoking the ahi - Karakia Translation of Tēnei te Ara
Stoking the ahi - Karakia Translation of Tēnei te Ara 2
Huaki Pouri
Tihei Mauri ora
Feedback time
What next....
Pou hihiri
Ngā Mihi
Ngā mihi