Rangi Parauri Mataora Training
ki Herekino
This training has 3 phases:
(2 hours duration) for one month
Nau mai!
Te Kurahuna presents Mahi a Atua
We want to support you!
Introducing the ‘Ahi Kaa’
Welcome to your Ahi Kaa!
Introducing the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS)
How to enter your 1st Outcomes Rating Scale (ORS)
What is Mahi a Atua?
Turumākina Duley - our zoomvision artist discussing his view on Mahi a Atua
Mahi a Atua Philosophy and Principles
Te Kurahuna Position Statement
Institutional Racism
A view on Maori Health inequity 2019
An introduction to racism with Tina Ngata
Karakia timatanga 'Tēnei te Ara' and te whakapapa o tō tātou nei karakia
Karakia tawhito vs Karakia Karaitiana
Carving creative and critical thinking through words
Taku Whare Wānanga
Taku Whare Wānanga - An overview
Whare Tōpito Ira Atua
Whare Ngākau Ira Wairua
Whare Whatumanawa Ira Tangata
Whare Hinengaro Ira Tipuna
Whare Waha Ira Whenua
Whare Tangata Ira Ariki
Practising making sense of 'Taku Whare Wānanga' with our very own Mataora - Bronwyn Williams
Tohunga Tei Nohotima - Preparing our whare wānanga with meditation
Pou Hihiri karakia whakamutunga
Learning styles
Korowai technique - preparing you for what to expect.
Tūpore Ariki - Therapeutic wānanga
Whakawhanaungatanga 5th Oct 2022
Outcome Rating Scale (ORS)
Noho tatapū
The Early Battles
Ko Ngā Tokorangi
Movement with Mōteatea in english
Haumietiketike and Rongo
Tane and the 3 Baskets
Tane and the 3 Baskets - Rongo and Tu
Tane and the 3 Baskets - Heading back
Mataora and Niwareka
Wananga rating scale - SRS
ZoomVision 1- 19/10/2022
ZoomVision 2 - 27/10/2022
ZoomVision 3 - 2/11/2022
ZoomVision 4- 9/11/2022